Sunday, August 13, 2006

The World Cup - as Islam sees it

The Soccer World Cup. From Another Corner...

At this critical juncture we find ourselves in a period where the talks,discussions, topics of conversation and focus of media networks, newspapersand various media centres around the Soccer World Cup. Many people wouldspend large sums of hard earned money to witness this spectacle live, whileothers would spend hours of valuable time glued to the television watchingevery move of their favourite team.
It is really amazing how players engaged in a football match or any othercode of sport find their lives guided and governed by the rules of the game.They are cognisant of the fact that if the rules are broken or the laws areflouted penalties would follow. The player is guided by the lines andboundaries and parameters of the game which he plays. We have been sent fora greater purpose, the lines and boundaries that govern us are the lines andboundaries chalked out for us by Allah subhaanahu wa ta aala Allah says inthe Glorious Quran: “These are the boundaries set by Allah, do nottransgress them.” (Surah 2 Verse 229)
How strange it is that a person is so mindful about the 2 linesman watchinghis actions from either side of the field while he is unmindful of theangels, on either side of his shoulder, writing all his actions.
How strange it is that a person would dare not touch the ball with his handin the penalty area for fear of the referee penalizing him, while he daresto venture into touching that which Allah has prohibited him from, withoutany fear of impunity or repercussions.
How strange it is that a person on the soccer field is so cautious about notbeing caught off side, while he does not care if Allah catches him in places.

With Love.


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