Sunday, July 30, 2006


Hare Krishna devotees often say that religion without philosophy is sentimental and philosophy without religion is dry speculation. Religion expresses itself through culture: different codes of behavior that help us to become aware that we are not this temporary material body but an eternal spirit soul, servant of God.

Although our state of mind is seen through the nature of our activities (how we dress, eat, talk etc.), the type of activites we perform also affects our state of mind. This means we can elevate our consciousness by elevating the nature of our activities. All spiritual activities help us to purify our consciousness and direct it towards God.

Because of this, a vaishnava (devotee of Krishna) does not take the regulations of spiritual life as restrictions, but rather as ´regulative principles of freedom´ - a tool for advancing personal character development & spiritual consciousness.

The four basic principles are as follows:
1. Cleanliness: Of body, mind and soul.This means the daily washing of the body, but also refraining from illicit sex (only sex for procreation within marriage). Celibacy, recitation of God´s (Krishna´s) holy names and studying the holy Scriptures help us to keep the mind and soul clean and balanced.

2. Mercy: To help living entities (materially as well as spiritually).True followers of the Vedic (or any other) Scriptures are strictly vegetarians. It is perfectly possible to live healthily and happily without needlessly killing innocent animals. To kill our fellow living entities instead of protecting them, is against the laws of God.

3. Austerity: To take only what we really need, without greed or violence.Intoxications like alcohol, hard and soft drugs, tobacco, caffeine etc. make someones mercy and friendliness disappear. Addictions are not only unnecessary, but also very harmful (to body, mind and to others). The best alternative for addictions is an awakening of our eternal relationship with God (Krishna) by living in accordance with His laws.

4. Truthfulness: Means that we should not lie or gamble.Gambling destroys truthfulness because it is an attempt to bypass the laws of nature and obtain material profit without honestly working for them.An honest deed is the best gamble in the world and a sure winner. There are many rules and regulations to follow in human life which help us to be healthy, happy and successful. The most important of all is: Always remember Krishna (God) and never forget Him.

Hare Krsna.


Reincarnation is the process by which the spiritual essence of any individual (commonly called "the soul") passes from one body to another in a repeated cycle of birth and death.

In the Bhagavad-gita this process is explained using the following analogy: "As the embodied soul passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change." (Bhagavad-gita 2.13)

Because the soul eternally exists then this process, if unchecked, is also eternal. In everyday life there is always some degree of distress and suffering & because the soul is eternal, as long as he is in the cycle of reincarnation, then he will be eternally suffering. The Hare Krishna philosophy explains how one can break this cycle of repeated suffering. This is exemplified in the Bhagavad-gita which, in essence, is an explanation of how to break this cycle and achieve liberation.

To fully understand the process of reincarnation then it is essential to also understand

With Love.
Bhakti thirta swami Ki jaya!!!

My Harinama Project

Mantra meditation

Chant and be happy!!!

Mantra meditation

Mantra meditation is a spiritual and religious practice that has a place in practically all religious traditions, although the method of practice may differ. In the Vaishnava tradition (which includes the devotees of Krishna) this type of meditation has two basic forms. The first is individual practice and the second is congregational.
Individually devotees of Krishna perform a daily schedule of personal prayer and meditation. This is centred around the recitation of the names of Krishna (God) using prayer beads to count out the number of names chanted. The prayer, or "mantra", that they repeat is called the Hare
Krishna Maha Mantra:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

The second form of this process, which is congregational, includes the use of musical instruments. Instead of chanting on beads the mantra is sung. One person leads the singing while others in the group respond. Depending on the circumstances this religious performance is done either within temples of Krishna or in public. In India such public performances are very common and have been for many centuries.
"Hare", "Krishna" and "Rama" are all names used in the Vaishnava tradition that refer to God and His energies. Because God is spiritual and all-powerful if someone chants His name then they will become purified - materially and spiritually. This chanting is also considered a form of prayer whereby the devotee is appealing to the Lord to please engage the devotee in the Lord's service.

With Love.
Srila Krishanapada Ki jaya!!!

Attraction to Lord Caitanya Develops Conjugal Stage Of Krishna-prema

The prayers offered by Visvanatha Cakravarti to his Spiritual Master have a special significance. His Spiritual Master was one of the assistant gopis, so the prayer was offered like that. On the whole, the Spiritual Master is an agent of Krishna. But either He is assistant to the gopis or assistant to the cowherds boys, He is on the level of Krishna. That is the verdict of all scriptures. Krishna is worshipable God and the Spiritual Master is worshipper God. The exact words are sebya (worshipable) and sebak (worshipper). ..... generally those who are attracted very much to Lord Caitanya and Goswamis are understood to develop to the conjugal love stage with Lord Krishna.
- September 26, 1969 - Letter to Jayapataka das Brahmacari (now Swami)

With Love.

I created a Slide Show! Check it out!

"Jesus in the Vedas"

A recent flurry of articles and website postings have been made to indicate that the fable of Jesus is mentioned in the Vedas [Bhavisya Purana]. Many Vaisnavas have been enthused [confused] by these Vedic findings, confirming Jesus as a messenger of God [Krsna] and a pure devotee. However, a closer look at the prediction of Jesus found in the Bhavisya Purana strongly suggests foul play or interpolation on the part of Christian Missionaries in India during the late 18th century." Read Full Page

Hope you enjoy it.

With Love.

Super Ecstatic Story That Should Send Shivers Up Your Spine!

"A story that Tara Prabhu often tells is that of a woman who approached a book distributor and asked him, "Do you have the Krsna book?!" He said yes and showed her volume one. She replied, "No; no!! Volume two is what I want. I already have volume one!!" Since she seemed annoyed, the devotee asked her to explain herself. She explained/complained that she had made the mistake of buying volume one from a devotee sometime back, and that she had made the second mistake of reading it to her son at bedtime. The kid became addicted to Krsna's stories and only wanted to hear them and nothing else. She read the whole book several times to the kid, who still wanted more and more. Finally, out of personal frustration at reading the same volume again and again, she went searching for volume two."

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!!!

With Love

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Journey of Self Discovery

‘Bhagavad Gita’, means ‘Song of God’. However, many a time, it is kept aside with the thought that it is a mythological book or outdated knowledge. But one can realize that ‘Bhagavad Gita’ is very practical.
Advanced technology has made life comfortable but failed to solve problems like stress, indecisiveness, unstable mind etc. The Bhagavad Gita can provide spiritual and scientific solutions to help solve these problems. When this knowledge is applied under the guidance of a bonafide spiritual teacher, it proves to be timeless wisdom.
Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON, Chowpatty conducts a 7-day scientific presentation on the essence of Bhagavad Gita know as ‘The Journey of Self Discovery’, the topics of which are -
Search for Happiness.Special prerogative of human lifeReal and relative problemsTemporary solutions - a cure worse than the diseaseSearch for a permanent solution
Does GOD really exist?Can God's existence be proved?Definition of God.Is Scripture word of God?Relative and absolute knowledge.
One GOD or many GODS?Different conceptions of God.Is God personal or impersonal?God, Demigods and Incarnations.Who is Supreme God?
Who am I?The true identity of the self.Reincarnation : fact or fictionMystery of consciousnessIs ghostly existence a reality?Understanding life and death.
Why do bad things happen to good people?Can the problem of evil be solved?Why unending suffering if laws of nature are just?Understanding the subtle laws of Karma.Escaping the laws of karma.
The Complete Science of Yoga.What is Yoga?Different types of yoga.Do all paths lead to the same goal?Success and failure in yoga.Yoga for the modern age.
Practical spiritualityBalancing material and spiritual life.Do we need a Spiritual Guide?Making one's home and heart into a temple.ABCD of spirituality.

For further details contact me at:
(00233)-277-491869. .



A pure devotee always thinks himself as not-devotee. If one thinks he is big devotee that is not good, thinking that he is first degree. We should not be puffed up. A devotee avoids it, remaining always in the second degree. Krishna has given everyone something extraordinary, and to serve Krishna with one's extraordinary talent means successful life.


With Love.

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Hare Krishna,

Just as there is life, there is death. Someone or something takes birth, grows,stays for some time, deteriorates, and then dies. Another name for birth isdeath. You cannot have one without the other, meaning that when someone isborn, someone will soon die (as most species do not live very long); and whensomeone dies, someone is soon born. Everyone and everything in its normal statewants to live as long as possible—eternally. Eternality, however, is notassociated with matter, but is a spiritual affair. Death to matter and to ourmaterial bodies is inevitable, but if we master the science of dying beforedying, we will connect with that which is eternal—our soul and its home in thespiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.
My mother, who is deceased, often used to say, “Give me my flowers while I canstill see them.” As I child, I thought of it as strange, but as an adult, Ithought of it as a sign of wisdom. My mother understood the body to betransient and she celebrated life—“the now,” realizing one must show their loveand affection for life at every moment. Our life or the lives of others will betaken away in the near future. If one lives with proper preparation anddetachment, one will master the science of dying before dying so as to connectwith the soul and its home—the spiritual world. After all, death is to removeeverything false and secondary.
When we die before dying, we put first things first. The activities thatnourish our souls and help us detach from the illusion and confusion ofmaterial culture are our priorities. Since we know that life is meant toprepare for a glorious death, we can live each day as if it is our last.Therefore, there is no time to waste on irrelevant, superfluous activities.Even when we must give time to somewhat superficial things, it must be done ina way that enhances or strengthens the primary, significant involvements. Ifone lives with proper preparation and detachment, one will master the scienceof dying before dying so as to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritualworld. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.
There are so many offenses that can be made in devotional services. It is theseoffenses which are our greatest enemy. Devotional service is extremely potent,but offenses can stagnate our spiritual growth very seriously and can everdestroy the devotional creeper. Offenses are activities that try to redirectour consciousness back to previous sinful life or which serve as barriers toour unfoldment. Offenses are like a town courier who delivers an urgent messagedesigned to distract the individual from his or her relevant and importantactivities. When one stops making offenses, one will live with properpreparation and detachment. One will master the science of dying before dyingso as to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritual world. After all,death is to remove everything false and secondary.
So many people have cheated, disappointed, lied, manipulated, and even abusedus. When we reflect on the experience, it is as if we relive it again. Suchexperiences have definitely shaped us in various ways. Many of these abusersand cheaters have traumatized us. In some cases, they have scarred us for life.The normal position is for the hurt or abused to seek revenge and severelypunish the offender. It is easier to do but will not fully resolve the problem.What is important is for forgiveness to be the major means of addressing suchproblems. If one lives with proper preparation and detachment, one will masterthe science of dying before dying so as to connect with the soul and itshome—the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false andsecondary.
Most people have special friends they would like to meet, places they wouldlike to visit, and experiences they would like to have. When we meet, know, orassociate with important people, it makes us more important, at least in theeyes of others. When we can travel to many exciting places, life seems to bemore adventurous. Most important, when we can have many exciting experiences,life seems more meaningful. We are all pleasure seekers and are always eager toexperience pleasure. But the true spiritualist does not get overwhelmed bythese concerns for he understands the temporary and even illusory nature of theworld. If one lives with proper preparation and detachment, one will master thescience of dying before dying so as to connect with the soul and its home—thespiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary.
Sometimes we are so busy doing things and even doing things for those we lovethat we don’t have time to be with them, show them, or tell them how much welove them. Sometimes others are so busy doing things and doing things for usthat they also have no time to be with us, show us, or tell us how much theylove us. However, if we truly understand how this life is a preparation fordeath, we will always have time to give and receive love.
When someone dies, much of the sadness usually comes from a lack of sufficientclosure in the relationships. There is something we wanted to tell them or dowith them, and there is something they wanted to tell us or do with us. Eachparty has a tendency to procrastinate on or minimize the importantopportunities and moments. Especially when a person lives solely for eating,sleeping, mating and defending, or when he or she is captured by a very strongfalse ego, there is a tendency to miss opportunities to be fully present. Theperson misses the chance to say or do what will best honor other people’shighest needs as well as blocks the chance for others to honor his or herneeds.
Quality association is most important. Where there is quality association, oneis always either learning something or teaching something. Such association isbased on being with those who also are determined to end the cycle of birth,disease, old age, and death. With quality association, one understands thatjust as there is life, there is death. So one acts with the knowledge that lifeis for self-realization, and that death, which is inevitable for matter and thematerial body, is not associated with the soul. We must die to live! That comesas we accept the inevitability of destruction and elimination of all matter. Wecan then honor the deaths that have happened and those that are manifesting,knowing that they can prepare the way for eternal life.
The true spiritualist profoundly appreciates my mother’s statement, “Give me myflowers while I can see them.” For once the body is gone, the soul departs forits new encounter; therefore, it is important to say and do whatever is bestfor all now! Where we have made offenses, we must stop them and ask forforgiveness now! While we have people to meet, places to visit, and experiencesto have, we must put first things first, understanding the differences betweenwhat is temporary and what is eternal now! We must allow every day of our livesto represent healthy closure now! When we live for love, this is most naturalbecause all of our associations will be quality associations in which we shareour compassion, determination, and realizations, and receive the same fromothers.
This is the technology of how to celebrate life now and live with properpreparation and detachment, so that one will master the science of dying beforedying so as to connect with the soul and its home—the spiritual world. Afterall, death is to remove everything false and secondary.
I am that lowly beggar who is desperately trying to die before dying.

With Love.

Hare Krsna.

Above are my pictures when i was in Belgium,Antwerpen City Iskcon Govinda Mandir